Wednesday 19 May 2010

clearos5.1 migration, cont

problem: continuing migration

what im not doing: worrying

ran into some issues with fetchmail. to save time i copied the config file (/etc/fetchmail) from the old clarkconnect4.2 server and ran into problems straight away. seems the new server wants pop usernames, password and local usernames in quotes now! fixed file, but got the following error

client/server protocol error while fetching from blah-blah-blah

not much help! so, ssh'd in and ran the following

service fetchmail stop
fetchmail -v -f /etc/fetchmail -L ~/fetch

which is running fetchmail verbosely with the config file outputting to log in my home called fetch. i was able to note the following error

opportunistic upgrade to TLS failed, trying to continue.

obviously, not able to continue. to i googled around and found a few fixes that never worked. i then modified one of the fixes found by adding the following to the end of each account entry in the config file

sslproto ""

and all is well again!

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