Sunday, 25 April 2010

clearos5.1 migration

problem: got to migrate from clarkconnect4.2 to clearos5.1

what im not doing: considering any other server / gateway os just yet

so, during the above adventure, i have came across a few problems. the first was after initial setup and testing (very basic install, add only required packages) i tried to change the hostname via the web interface. this caused some sort of lock-up and the machine had to be hard rebooted. the boot sequence started to crawl around loading of the hal daemon and then slapd, so i booted into rescue mode via the cd, chrooted the system partition and had a look around. first stop was to check all network script and config files as i wasnt sure the hostname change was good. so, first checked


and all looked good. then checked

/etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

and and found a hostname conflict in /etc/sysconfig/network. i also checked


to ensure that dns settings were good. they were, but more on that later...

rebooted and started up no probs! first hurdle!

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